You may have seen a few changes on and noticed that the world has become a more beautiful place. You didn’t? Oh. Well, we recently unveiled a new DivX logo, new style and a simplified website – and even if you don’t stay awake at night studying brand identity, we think you’ll like our updated approach.
We wanted to improve our look and better communicate how DivX can add to your entertainment experience. DivX is all about connecting people and entertainment and our goal is to bring high-quality video to all the devices you use. This is why we create software to play nearly any digital video, partner with Hollywood movie retail sites, and test and certify products (Blu-ray players, mobile phones, PlayStation®3 and even the new Samsung GALAXY Tab) so you know that your devices will play DivX movies.
And how do you know if a device is guaranteed to play DivX video? Just look for the DivX logo. But which logo? Good question — and we’re glad you were paying attention before. You should start seeing the new DivX logo on devices next year, but any device you see with the DivX logo (old or new) will play your downloaded or purchased movies.
We hope you like the new look as much as we do
– The DivX Team