I Want My Foreign Films

A moviegoer reveals Oscar’s annual problem

The only three Oscar-nominated films I couldn’t see this year
Back in the ‘80s, a commonly-heard rant was “I want my MTV.” It was, of course, a marketing ploy by MTV to get their channel added to cable systems. We were supposed to rise up as consumers and demand this channel like it was a birthright. But we really did want our MTV, so we asked for it, and before long we had it.
Here’s what I want today: I want my foreign films. Continue reading “I Want My Foreign Films”

Oscar® 2011 Picks and Predictions

A movie fan sorts the best from the rest in this year’s Major Award Movie Sprint

Image courtesy Greg in Hollywood (Greg Hernandez), CC 2.0
I’ve seen an awful lot of movies in the past month, all so I can have an informed opinion on Oscar night. Here’s who I predict will win an Oscar, and who I’d give it to if I could.
In a perfect world, I would say “Screw the haters!” and choose The Tree of Life. But as innovative as it was, Hugo edged it for pure ingenuity…which will mean nothing in the face of The Artist’s juggernaut. Continue reading “Oscar® 2011 Picks and Predictions”

Major Award Movie Sprint – Halfway There

22 movies watched, 24 movies to go, 17 days left!

What’s the Major Award Movie Sprint? It’s my attempt to see every Oscar-nominated movie before the awards are given on February 26. That’s 46 movies in 34 days! Today marks the halfway point, and so far, I’m on pace to see all the films on the list. At the moment, I’ve seen these 22. Continue reading “Major Award Movie Sprint – Halfway There”

Major Award Movie Sprint (Completists, This One’s For You)

Follow one brave woman’s quest to watch 46 nominated movies in 34 days

Only a crazy person would try to watch all the movies given an Oscar® nomination in the month before the Oscars are awarded, right?
Well, call me crazy.
It’s true – I’m going to attempt to see 46 movies in 34 days. In fact, I’ve tackled this challenge every February for the past dozen or so years. I used to call this movie marathon The Oscar Run, but since the Academy is a little touchy about folks throwing around the word “Oscar,” let’s call this the Major Award Movie Sprint. Continue reading “Major Award Movie Sprint (Completists, This One’s For You)”

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