DivX 2011 Holiday Gift Guide – The Cure for "Present Face"

We all have them in our lives: friends and family members whose quirks are infinitely more mockable than giftable. For those difficultly lovable caricatures, here are our personality-driven present suggestions.

For the Person with Everything:

Sharp LC90LE745 90″ LED Smart 3D TV
What to give a 1 percenter known to take some technology risks? No, not a twentieth anniversary Mac or a safe deposit box for that 24 carat gold USB drive. Try the world’s largest LED TV. This 90″ beauty features built-in Wi-Fi, full HD Active 3D, DivX Plus® HD certification and support for BestBuy’s CinemaNow. Oh, did we mention the $10,999.00 MSRP? Continue reading “DivX 2011 Holiday Gift Guide – The Cure for "Present Face"”

AHHHHHHH! "Home Alone" is King in Our "Merry Movie Madness" Contest

Sixteen movies, four rounds, two weeks, and a whole lot of votes later, we have finally reached the end of our “Merry Movie Madness”. The dust has settled and “Home Alone” has emerged as the champion of Christmas movies. We have to admit, we did not see this one coming. Intrigued, we decided to look up a few facts about this 1990’s classic:

  • “Home Alone” was written and Produced by John Hughes (“Pretty in Pink”, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”)
  • It was the #1 film in the box office for 12 weeks
  • It grossed $286 million in the theaters
  • “Home Alone” is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest grossing live-action comedy ever.
  • The gangster movie “Angels With Filthy Souls” does not actually exist.

Whether it was “Home Alone” or “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians”, we hope you enjoyed watching your favorite Christmas movie this holiday season. Also, keep an eye on your inbox because we will be notifying the prize winners shortly.

Merry Movie Madness

Happy Holidays! This time of year brings good tidings, eggnog-fueled cheer and the age-old question of which holiday movie is the best. Some folks are traditional (White Christmas, Miracle on 34th St.), some love the reminders of childhood (Charlie Brown, Grinch) and others are, well, unique (Santa Claus Conquers the Martians) in choosing their favorite.
The time to speculate is done. Let the holiday movie battle royale begin to determine, once and for all, the king of holiday movies.
Click on this link to check out the Merry Movie Madness bracket and vote for your favorites.
We’re also giving away three devices that play DivX video (LG Blu-ray player with DivX TV, PlayStation®3 and a Seagate media player).
Why are you still reading this blog post? Go vote!

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