
Not-So-Scary Halloween Comedy Movie Trivia

It’s the time of year when everyone embraces the dark and frightening themes of Halloween. Every TV show, candy brand and TV commercial features something creepy. For those of us that don’t love scary things, we can’t wait for November 1 to roll around and be done with the frights. For you fellow scaredy-cats  — and everyone else, really — we present Halloween Comedy Movie Trivia. We may have been a little ‘fast and loose’ with the definition of a “Halloween Movie”, but it’s not like we’re calling Die Hard a Christmas movie. (We can debate that another day…)


Scroll down to find the correct answers (and the movie’s trailer). Grab yourself a cup of coffee and GOOD LUCK!

Coffee with ghost

  1.  Say his name three times and he appears, but it’s not the Candyman … although he was the Batman.


  1. Of all the experiences at Disneyland, they made a movie out of this one? Even Eddie Murphy in his prime couldn’t get this movie above a 14% Rotten Tomatoes score.


  1. There are many zombie apocalypse movies, but this one is the funniest (and the best use of a cricket bat). He needs to straighten his tie, straighten out his life, and get things straightened up with his ex before … you know … zombies eat his friends and family. 


  1. A story of “Fleshies” vs ghosts sounds like it’s going to get gruesome, but this 1995 ‘friendly’ film will still allow you to fall asleep … even if your bed brand name is the same as the title of this movie. 


  1. There was another movie about reviving a dead pet that still freaks me out (Pet Sematary, yikes). Fortunately, this tale of reviving Sparky is much more fun. Yes it’s Tim Burton, it’s Halloween-themed and it’s stop-motion animation … but which movie is it? 


  1. If you’re going to name your kid after a day of the week, you better make sure she’s as calm, cool and confident as the daughter in this movie. Although they’re creepy and kooky, I always wanted to be in this family. 


  1. Apparently all the classic monsters (mummies, Frankenstein’s monsters, vampires, wolfmen/women, etc.) need a place to get away now and then — especially when the resort owner’s daughter is celebrating her 18th (checks notes …) make that 118th birthday! 


  1. Inventors creating creepy living creatures is a staple of monster tales (thank you Dr. Frankenstein), but sometimes they die before the project is complete. It could’ve been worse — he could’ve used rocks or paper to finish the job.  


  1. Puberty is challenging for everyone … but it’s even more interesting when you start turning into a werewolf. And who knew that werewolves were so good at basketball? (Just realized that a Fox turned into a Wolf in this movie.)


  1. If it’s about ghosts, does it kinda make it a “Halloween movie”? Much like the immortal question of “Who let the dogs out?”, this movie posed the powerful question, “Who ya gonna call?”





No Cheating 










1. Beetlejuice (1988)

2. The Haunted Mansion (2003)

3. Shaun of the Dead (2004)

4. Casper (1995)

5. Frankenweenie (2012)

6. Addams Family (1991)

7. Hotel Transylvania (2012)

8. Edward Scissorhands (1990)

9. Teen Wolf (1985)

10. Ghostbusters (1984)

How’d you do? Did you get them all? And, yes, I know some of these aren’t technically “Halloween” movies (Teen Wolf and Ghostbusters … and Beetlejuice and probably Hotel Transylvania), but close enough.

Header photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Coffee photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Zombie IQ Test: Are You Smarter Than the Undead?

Update: Scroll to the bottom of this post to see all the questions and answers!
Maybe it’s because Halloween is coming, or maybe it’s because The Walking Dead returned to AMC recently, but I’ve got zombies on the brain. They’re so creepy yet funny with their rotting flesh, shuffling gait, and blank expressions. As one zombie-battler said in 2004’s Shaun of the Dead:
“Just look at the face: it’s vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who’s lost a bet.”
And what’s with that constant craving for brains? No matter how many people they’ve eaten, they’d kill for one more. You never hear a zombie say, “No thanks, I’m full.”
How many zombie movies have you seen? Would you know what to do if faced with the living dead? Answer our daily zombie trivia question and find out. Continue reading “Zombie IQ Test: Are You Smarter Than the Undead?”

Summer Movie Bingo

Summertime is here, which means, obviously, big budget movie explosions. Add to your summer movie-going experience by playing bingo with friends to see who will be the first to find a snug superhero costume, angry alien or someone yelling “It’s gonna blow!” (Don’t forget to click on the tiles to find examples for things like “Shia Lebeouf saying ‘No, no, no, no!’”). Check out the interactive bingo card after the break. Continue reading “Summer Movie Bingo”

There's No Crying in Baseball Movie Trivia

Baseball spring training is upon us. In a few short weeks the league will be in full swing and the Pittsburgh Pirates will be mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. Our thoughts turn to the crack of the bat, eating crunchy Cracker Jacks and sitting on our couches watching … well, not actual baseball, but movies about baseball. (Let’s face it, baseball can be a bit slow.)
To prepare for the season test your baseball movie trivia knowledge by seeing how many movies you can name from the quote list below after the break. Remember, there’s no crying in baseball movie trivia. Continue reading “There's No Crying in Baseball Movie Trivia”

Get Your Scared On (and Test Your Scary Movie Knowledge)

Department stores are starting to sell Christmas decorations, which can only mean one thing: Halloween is right around the corner.
There are several ways one can celebrate Halloween. You can carve pumpkins, wear crazy costumes, or beg your neighbors for candy (which APPARENTLY is socially unacceptable at my age…). Our friends at Film Fresh are celebrating the scary season by offering 20% off all movies through midnight on Halloween (Oct. 31). To get the deal, just use the coupon code FFHWEEN2010 during checkout.
This promotion could not have come at a better time, because our favorite DivX Halloween tradition is watching scary movies. So, every day for the next 10 days, we will be recommending a different film that we think would be perfect for this time of year. Each movie can be purchased (sorry, U.S. only*) and downloaded immediately from Film Fresh for playback on your DivX Certified device. This means that you can not only enjoy your scary movie on your computer, but you can play it on your DivX Certified portable DVD player or mobile phone and watch it while camping in a haunted forest or roaming around graveyards at night. (You do that, right?)
Click through the break to see if you can guess our movie recommendations and even win a prize. Continue reading “Get Your Scared On (and Test Your Scary Movie Knowledge)”

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