Sharp LC90LE745 LED Smart TV

The DivX Holiday Gift Guide – Once More with Personality

We all have them in our lives: friends and family members whose quirks are infinitely more mockable than giftable. For those difficultly lovable caricatures, here are our personality-driven present suggestions.

For the Person with Everything:

Sharp LC90LE745 90″ LED Smart 3D TV
What to give a 1 percenter known to take some technology risks? No, not a twentieth anniversary Mac or a safe deposit box for that 24 carat gold USB drive. Try the world’s largest LED TV. This 90″ beauty features built-in Wi-Fi, full HD Active 3D, DivX Plus® HD certification and support for BestBuy’s CinemaNow. Oh, did we mention the $10,999.00 MSRP?

For the Hoarder:

Sony PlayStation 3 Assassin’s Creed III Bundle
With 500GB storage, the PS3 Assassin’s Creed III Bundle may be the thing to finally get the hoarder in your life to downsize to smaller, lighter hardware. And, there’s that extra-added plus: the chance to indulge his inner colonial-era American Master Assassin.

For the Minimalist:

LG SP820 Smart TV Upgrader
This elegant little black box transforms a daft display into a real-live Smart TV, letting you stream videos from external storage devices via DLNA, access movie services and download customizable apps. Don’t even get us started about the Magic Remote!

For the Nomad:

Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone
Your favorite world traveler can walk the Earth like Caine in Kung Fu with a high-def phablet on hand for every adventure. This DivX Certfied® HD 720p smartphone features a quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, a 5.5” display and the S Pen, an awesome enhanced stylus.

For the Nostalgic:

Betamax – if you remember those – video review
Ah, the glory days, back before the nimble VHS triumphed over the clunky, beloved Betamax to win the home video war. If this video proves too painful to watch, there’s always the chance to enjoy some classic TV holiday specials down in the wood-paneled basement at

OK, fine – we’ll admit to having a foible or two if you will. (Is there anything wrong with our unnatural obsession with the fantastically disturbing – and elusive – Star Wars Holiday Special?)

Happy shopping, happy gift-getting, happy holidays!

The DivX Team

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